Steve Lantz

Born in Indiana, Steve spent his early childhood years in a small town on the Ohio River. With his red hair and active imagination, he was sure he was Tom Sawyer, reincarnated. The son of a football c

Live performance during Art Basel, Miami Beach. Steve Lantz Showing photos to Daniel Sunjata in Graceland episode The Unlucky One. On the sidelines with James Coley, wide receivers coach for the University of Georgia. At time of photo, he was Offensive Coordinator for Florida State. Ballers, Season 1 wrap party! With co-stars Bruce Michael, Chevy Ruben, and Kim Ostrenko. In the trailer, ready to go on set for Magic City.
مشهور در فیلم های :

War Dogs Security Guard
Bloodline Father Sturgess / Priest
Ballers Bob
فیلم های این هنرمند :
پرش به : بازیگر
بازیگر (15)
2017 Bloodline Bloodline ( سریال )
در نقش Father Sturgess / Priest

2016 Dead Silent Dead Silent ( سریال )
در نقش Sheriff Morgan Millirons

2016 War Dogs War Dogs ( فیلم )
در نقش Security Guard

2015 Ballers Ballers ( سریال )
در نقش Bob

2014 Marriage Material Marriage Material ( فیلم )
در نقش Rev. Clark

2014 Graceland Graceland ( سریال )
در نقش Trucker

2012 Magic City Magic City ( سریال )
در نقش Union Man

2011 South Beach Tow South Beach Tow ( سریال )
در نقش Gorgeous Larry

2011 The Glades The Glades ( سریال )
در نقش Trucker

2010 Loving the Bad Man Loving the Bad Man ( فیلم )
در نقش Charlie

2009 Vale Tudo Project Vale Tudo Project ( فیلم )
در نقش Fight Fan

2009 Confessions of a Shopaholic Confessions of a Shopaholic ( فیلم )
در نقش Shareholder

2008 Burn Notice Burn Notice ( سریال )
در نقش Security Guard

2006 Dexter Dexter ( سریال )
در نقش Detective

1991 Late Night with David Letterman Late Night with David Letterman ( سریال )
در نقش Viewer Mail Thug