Tate Steinsiek

Tate Steinsiek is an award winning SFX Prosthetics artist, Conceptual Artist, and Director. Since the inception of his Makeup Special Effects Company "Ill Willed Productions, Tate has coordinated prod

Frank Ippolito and Tate Steinsiek in Face Off (2011) Frank Ippolito, Tom Devlin, Tate Steinsiek, Gage Munster, Megan Areford, Sam Cobb, and Marcel Banks in Face Off (2011) Tate Steinsiek in Face Off (2011)
برنده 1 جایزه ،
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تهیه کننده (4)
2017 The Terrible Tale of Jacquelyn Torne The Terrible Tale of Jacquelyn Torne ( فیلم کوتاه )

2008 Clown Clown ( فیلم کوتاه )

2008 My Winter My Winter's Coat ( فیلم کوتاه )

کارگردان (4)
بازیگر (5)
خودش (6)
نویسنده (3)